Apostle David Harrison is the Overseer and Founder of Kingdom Living Ministries International and is an energetic Pastor, Teacher and Motivational Speaker who captures the Word of God with sensational revelations for this dispensation.

His revelatory teachings have impacted the lives of countless people to shift beyond God’s presence into God’s essence. Apostle’s ministry is geared towards restoring the Apostolic Order of God’s Kingdom for a people who are apostolically prepared. Many that have encountered his ministry believe that his prolific and reflective messages are outstanding and give God the complete Glory, and while Apostle has preached the Word of God nationally and internationally, in communities, revivals, and seminars for the advancement of the Kingdom, he still remains “HUMBLE”. Apostle Harrison has been blessed to oversee several ministries which he commits to by the grace of God and has attained many licenses, certificates, awards, and accolades for his active participation in communities and churches. Most recently he has received a Doctor of Divinity in ministry for the endless hours he’s committed himself to the body of Christ. Apostle is currently acquiring his Ph.D. in Psychology while the Lord tarries. Apostle Harrison is also a gifted author and a licensed master carpenter. Apostle Harrison is husband to First and only Lady I. Harrison and their hearts’ desire is to see the people of God live in the fullness of what God has intended for them through Kingdom principles which is – a life of joy, peace, righteousness, health and wealth.